* @author Nguyen Ly <lyphtec@gmail.com>
* @copyright Nguyen Ly 2014-2024
* @license MIT License
* @fileOverview Main object exported by module. Can be used to instantiate a new {@link MarkdownServer} instance or invoked as a [middleware]{@link module:markdown-serve.middleware} function in Express.
* @module markdown-serve
* @requires path
* @requires lodash
* @requires mkdirp
* @requires fs
* @requires markdown-serve/parser
* @requires markdown-serve/resolver
* @exports markdown-serve
var path = require('path'),
resolver = require('./resolver'),
parser = require('./parser'),
_ = require('lodash'),
mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
fs = require('fs'),
logger = null;
exports = module.exports = {
* {@link MarkdownServer}
* @this {MarkdownServer}
* */
MarkdownServer: MarkdownServer,
* preParse function option used for customizing the view model object that is passed to the view
* @typedef {function(MarkdownFile):Object} module:markdown-serve~preParseFn
* @alias preParseFn
* @param {MarkdownFile} markdownFile Resolved {@link MarkdownFile} instance from `req.path` passed to middleware
* @returns {Object} Object literal to pass as view model to view
* @example
* // preParse is specified as a function
* app.use(mds.middleware({
* rootDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'content'),
* view: 'markdown',
* preParse: function(markdownFile) {
* return { title: markdownFile.meta.title, content: markdownFile.parseContent(), created: moment(markdownFile.created).format('L') };
* }
* }));
* // views/markdown.hbs
* <div class="container">
* <h1>{{title}}</h1>
* {{{content}}}
* <footer>
* <hr />
* <strong>Created:</strong> {{created}}
* </footer>
* </div>
* Customized middleware handler function option. Do not specify `options.view` if using this feature.
* @typedef {function(MarkdownFile, req, res, next)} module:markdown-serve~handlerFn
* @alias handlerFn
* @param {MarkdownFile} markdownFile Resolved {@link MarkdownFile} instance from `req.path` passed to middleware
* @param {Object} req Express Request object
* @param {Object} res Express Response object
* @param {function} next Express next() function
* @example
* // custom handler
* app.use(mds.middleware({
* rootDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'content'),
* handler: function(markdownFile, req, res, next) {
* if (req.method !== 'GET') next();
* // limit access based on draft variable in front-matter
* if (markdownFile.meta.draft && !req.isAuthenticated && !req.user.isAdmin) {
* next();
* return; // need return here
* }
* res.render('markdown', { title: markdownFile.meta.title, content: markdownFile.parseContent() });
* }
* }));
* Simple Express middleware that hosts a {@link MarkdownServer}
* @function
* @param {Object} options Middleware options
* @param {string} options.rootDirectory Full path to root physical directory containing Markdown files to serve
* @param {Object=} options.markedOptions Global marked module options for Markdown processing
* @param {resolverOptions=} options.resolverOptions [Options]{@link MarkdownServer~resolverOptions} to override default document name and Markdown file extension.
* If not specified, will default to `index` and `md` resppectively.
* @param {string=} options.view Name of view to use for rendering content. If this property & `handler` are not specified, a JSON respresentation of
* {@link MarkdownFile} will be returned by the middleware.
* @param {(boolean|preParseFn)=} options.preParse Only applies when `view` is specified. If set to true (not truthy), will
* make the parsed HTML content available as `markdownFile.parsedContent` on the view model object passed to the view. This is to
* support some view engines like `hbs` that do not support calling methods directly on the view model.
* If specified as a [preParseFn]{@link module:markdown-serve~preParseFn} function, will return the function result as the view model object to the view.
* @param {handlerFn=} options.handler [handlerFn]{@link module:markdown-serve~handlerFn}. Provides full customization of middleware response. Make sure `view` is not
* set when using this feature as that takes precedence.
* @param {Object=} options.logger Logger object - should respond to log function, optional replacement for console object
* @example
* // basic usage
* // app.js
* var express = require('express'),
* path = require('path'),
* mds = require('markdown-serve');
* var app = express();
* app.set('view', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
* app.set('view engine', 'pug');
* app.use(mds.middleware({
* rootDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'content'),
* view: 'markdown' // will use views/markdown.pug file for rendering out HTML content
* }));
* // views/markdown.pug
* extend layout
* block content
* header
* h1= markdownFile.meta.title
* .content
* != markdownFile.parseContent()
* footer
* hr
* | <strong>Created:</strong> #{markdownFile.created} <br/>
* @example
* // preParse set to true when using hbs view engine
* // as calling markdownFile.parseContent() is not supported, the HTML content is pre-parsed and available as markdownFile.parsedContent
* app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
* app.use(mds.middleware({
* rootDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'content'),
* view: 'markdown',
* preParse: true
* }));
* // views/markdown.hbs
* <div class="container">
* <h1>{{markdownFile.meta.title}}</h1>
* {{{markdownFile.parsedContent}}}
* <footer>
* <hr />
* <strong>Created:</strong> {{markdownFile.created}}
* </footer>
* </div>
middleware: function(options) {
if (!options)
throw new Error('"options" argument is required');
if (!options.rootDirectory)
throw new Error('"rootDirectory" value is required');
var server = new MarkdownServer(options.rootDirectory);
if (options.markedOptions)
server.markedOptions = options.markedOptions;
if (options.resolverOptions)
server.resolverOptions = options.resolverOptions;
if (options.logger)
logger = options.logger;
return function(req, res, next) {
if (req.method !== 'GET' && !options.handler) return next();
server.get(req.path, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
if (logger) {
} else {
return; // need return here because next call (above) is inside a callback
// remove _file property as this is potentially a security risk
delete result._file;
if (options.view) {
if (options.preParse && _.isBoolean(options.preParse) && options.preParse === true) {
result.parsedContent = result.parseContent();
res.render(options.view, { markdownFile: result });
if (options.preParse && _.isFunction(options.preParse)) {
var vm = options.preParse(result);
res.render(options.view, vm);
res.render(options.view, { markdownFile: result });
if (options.handler && _.isFunction(options.handler)) {
return options.handler(result, req, res, next);
// default fallback is to send a JSON response of the MarkdownFile object
result.parsedContent = result.parseContent();
* Options to pass to the resolver indicating default document name and Markdown file extension
* @typedef {Object} MarkdownServer~resolverOptions
* @alias resolverOptions
* @property {string=} [defaultPagename=index] Name of default document
* @property {string=} [fileExtension=md] File extension of Markdown files
* @property {boolean=} [useExtensionInUrl=false] If true, the file extension will not be removed from the url when resolving it
* Create an instance of a Markdown files server. Can be instantiated from the module, and is mainly used in custom middleware scenarios.
* @class
* @alias MarkdownServer
* @param {string} rootDirectory Full path to root directory containing Markdown files to serve
* @property {string} rootDirectory Gets or sets the full path to root directory containing Markdown files to server. Set to same as rootDirectory parameter when class is instantiated.
* @property {?Object} markedOptions Gets or sets optional global [marked]{@link https://github.com/chjj/marked} module options used for Markdown processing
* @property {?resolverOptions} resolverOptions [resolverOptions]{@link MarkdownServer~resolverOptions}. Gets or sets optional global options used by the resolver to configure default page name and file extension of Markdown files.
* @example
* var path = require('path'),
* mds = require('markdown-serve');
* // Instantiate a new instance of MarkdownServer
* var server = new mds.MarkdownServer( path.resolve(__dirname, 'content') );
function MarkdownServer(rootDirectory) {
if (!rootDirectory || !fs.existsSync(rootDirectory))
throw new Error('"rootDirectory" not specified or is invalid');
// clean up path
this.rootDirectory = path.resolve(rootDirectory);
this.markedOptions = null;
this.resolverOptions = {
defaultPageName: 'index', // name of default document in each sub folder
fileExtension: 'md',
useExtensionInUrl: false
* [MarkdownServer.get()]{@link MarkdownServer#get} callback
* @callback MarkdownServer~getCallback
* @alias getCallback
* @param {?Object} err Errors if any
* @param {MarkdownFile} result
* Resolves & returns {@link MarkdownFile} for specified URI path.
* @function
* @param {string} uriPath Path (relative to root) with leading / (slash) to Markdown file we want to obtain eg. "/subfolder/file". Note: Do not include ".md" extension.
* @param {getCallback} callback [getCallback]{@link MarkdownServer~getCallback}
* @returns {MarkdownFile}
* @example
* var server = new mds.MarkdownServer( path.resolve(__dirname, 'content') );
* server.get('/intro', function(err, result) {
* if (err) return err;
* // result == MarkdownFile instance
* console.log(result.parseContent()); // the parsed HTML result
* });
MarkdownServer.prototype.get = function(uriPath, callback) {
var self = this;
var file = resolver(uriPath, self.rootDirectory, self.resolverOptions);
if (!file) {
return callback(new Error('No file found matching path: ' + uriPath));
return parser.parse(file, self.markedOptions, callback);
* [MarkdownServer.save()]{@link MarkdownServer#save} callback
* @callback MarkdownServer~saveCallback
* @alias saveCallback
* @param {?Object} err Errors if any, otherwise null
* @param {MarkdownFile} result Saved file returned as a {@link MarkdownFile} object
* Saves MarkdownFile for given uriPath
* @function
* @param {string} uriPath Path (relative to root) with leading / (slash) to Markdown file we want to save eg. "/subfolder/file". Will overwrite existing file or create new file if it doesn't exist. Note: Do not include ".md" extension.
* @param {string} rawContent Markdown text content to save
* @param {?Object=} meta Optional Javascript object to serialize as YAML front-matter and saved in file header
* @param {saveCallback} callback [saveCallback]{@link MarkdownServer~saveCallback}
* @returns {MarkdownFile}
* @example
* var mdContent = '# Heading\n\n' +
* 'Bullets:\n\n' +
* '- one\n' +
* '- two\n' +
* '- three\nn';
* // will create any subfolders in hierarchy if it doesn't exist
* server.save('/subfolder/new', mdContent, { title: 'New file', draft: true }, function(err, result) {
* if (err) return err;
* // result == MarkdownFile instance
* console.log(result.parseContent());
* });
MarkdownServer.prototype.save = function(uriPath, rawContent, meta, callback) {
var self = this;
// make "meta" param optional
var hasMeta = true;
if (arguments.length === 3 && _.isFunction(arguments[2])) {
callback = arguments[2];
hasMeta = false;
if (!rawContent)
return callback(new Error('rawContent is required'));
if (!_.isString(rawContent))
return callback(new Error('rawContent must be a string'));
var file = resolver(uriPath, self.rootDirectory, self.resolverOptions);
if (!file) {
var ext = (self.resolverOptions && self.resolverOptions.fileExtension) ? self.resolverOptions.fileExtension : '.md';
if (ext.indexOf('.') !== 0)
ext = '.' + ext;
var defPageName = (self.resolverOptions && self.resolverOptions.defaultPageName) ? self.resolverOptions.defaultPageName : 'index';
// append default page name to trailing slashes
if (uriPath.match(/\/$/))
uriPath += defPageName;
file = path.join(self.rootDirectory, uriPath + ext);
var dir = path.dirname(file);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir))
var mdFile = new parser.MarkdownFile(file);
if (hasMeta && meta)
mdFile.meta = meta;
mdFile.rawContent = rawContent;
mdFile.saveChanges(function(err, success) {
if (err) return callback(err);
return self.get(uriPath, callback);