* @author Nguyen Ly <lyphtec@gmail.com>
* @copyright Nguyen Ly 2014-2024
* @license MIT License
* @fileOverview Markdown file resolver
* @module markdown-serve/resolver
* @requires path
* @requires fs
* @exports markdown-serve/resolver
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
* File resolver utility
* @function
* @param {string} urlPath Relative URL path to file to try to resolve. Must start with a / and do not include the file extension
* @param {string} rootDir Full path to root folder on file system that contains files to resolve
* @param {resolverOptions=} options Optional [options]{@link MarkdownServer~resolverOptions} to specify default page name and file extension
* @param {string} [options.defaultPageName=index] Name of default document
* @param {string} [options.fileExtension=md] File extension of Markdown files
* @param {boolean} [options.useExtensionInUrl=false] If true, the file extension will not be removed from the url when resolving it
* @returns {string} Full path to Markdown file if it exists, otherwise null
exports = module.exports = function(urlPath, rootDir, options) {
if (!urlPath || urlPath[0] !== '/') return null;
rootDir = path.resolve(rootDir);
var ext = (options && options.fileExtension) ? options.fileExtension : 'md';
if (ext.indexOf('.') !== 0)
ext = '.' + ext; // default is ".md"
if (options && options.useExtensionInUrl)
ext = '';
var defPageName = (options && options.defaultPageName) ? options.defaultPageName : 'index';
// root
if (urlPath === '/') {
var indx = path.resolve(rootDir, defPageName + ext);
return exists(indx) ? indx : null;
urlPath = decodeURIComponent(urlPath).substring(1); // strip out leading '/' and normalize URI
// append index to trailing slashes
if (urlPath.match(/\/$/))
urlPath += defPageName;
// /name
var file = path.resolve(rootDir, urlPath + ext);
if (exists(file)) return file;
// /with-dash
file = path.resolve(rootDir, urlPath.replace(/-/g, ' ') + ext);
if (exists(file)) return file;
// /name/defPageName (urlPath is a directory containing a default md file)
file = path.resolve(rootDir, urlPath + '/' + defPageName + ext);
if (exists(file)) return file;
// check existence of each segment -- taking into account dashes -- and build up final path
var segs = urlPath.split('/');
var u = rootDir;
for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {
var s = segs[i];
if (i === segs.length - 1)
s += '.md';
var p = path.resolve(u, s);
if (exists(p)) {
u = p;
} else {
p = path.resolve(u, s.replace(/-/g, ' '));
if (exists(p))
u = p;
return null;
// make sure last segment is included in final result
if (u.match(/\.md$/) && exists(u)) return u;
return null;
function exists(file) {
return fs.existsSync(file);